I’m hosting a Girls’ Night In to help all Victorian women affected by cancer
This year, approximately 16,200 Victorian women are diagnosed cancer, and 6,000 of those will be breast or gynaecological cancers.
However, thanks to wonderful generosity like yours, the rate of women dying from cancer is declining. Since 1993, the rate has been consistently decreasing by 1.6% per year.
I’m passionate about saving even more lives, so I'm helping Cancer Council Victoria by hosting a Girls’ Night In. It’s the perfect opportunity to catch up with the girls and celebrate our friendship while raising vital funds.
By supporting me, you’ll be funding ground-breaking cancer research, prevention programs and support services that offer a helping hand to all Victorian women affected by cancer.
Thank you to my supporters!


Jaimie & Andrew

Evelyn, Jaden & Erin

Beck , Ashton & Ebony

Monique Castellan

Tim Orr

Richard Callaghan
What a fantastic night for a very worthwhile cause! Thank you to everyone for the very generous donations.

Ebony Rutzou

Richard And Jo Curwen

Jason Kirkwood

Rachael Curwen

Helen Andrews

Timothy Orr
Donation and pink belt, if any left, largest size, if not. No stress

Byst (spartan Team)

Jason Zammit
Donation for Pink night and belt if there are any left please

Graham Smith
A fantastic event for a great cause.

Jennifer Wu

Dave Trofter

Hannah Hodges


Ivy Talwar

Sam Wills

Ben Sutherland

Guan Family

Ripley Fryer

Matthew Hudspeth

Lachlan Smith

Lee Ogilvie
Donation for Pink Night + pink belt :)


Kellie And Josh

Alice Hardisty

Brendan Sadler

Abbey Roberts

Matt Crellin

Thu And Johnny

Nam Family

Marco Leoncelli

Howard Hong

Alexis Maniatis

Matt Gyngell

Merric Butler

Tim Simpson

Hello Sensei Richard. This is a great initiative for a great cause! If I could have a size 4 belt for Clara please. Thank you once again! Irina

James Simmons
Jimmy Simmons
