Flowers against cancer!

By Kellee Pham

Having fun while fighting cancer!

Let's get together,  have fun, learn a skill and look fabulous!
I will be hosting a floral workshop making flower crowns and wrist corsages on Melbourne cup day. 
On this day, no betting on the horses,  instead we will bet on helping to fighting cancer with all donations big or small accepted.

Please help sponsor us as we create beautiful floral flower crowns. 

I’m hosting a Girls’ Night In to help all Victorian women affected by cancer

Every year, 15,700 Victorian women are diagnosed cancer, and 6,000 of those will be breast or gynaecological cancers.

Thanks in part to generous Victorians, the good news is that the rate of women dying from cancer is declining. Throughout the last decade, the rate has been consistently decreasing by 1.5% per year. This is thanks to earlier detection of cancers through screening, reductions in tobacco use, and improvements in treatment.

I’m passionate about saving even more lives, so I'm helping Cancer Council Victoria by hosting a Girls’ Night In. It’s the perfect opportunity to catch up with the girls and celebrate our friendship while raising vital funds.

By supporting me, you’ll be funding ground-breaking cancer research, prevention programs and support services that offer a helping hand to all Victorian women affected by cancer.

Thank you to my supporters!


Lan Lan

Hope this tiny donation could help beat cancer! Xo


A Phamily Member

Whassup Brah!



Love your work!


Hm Photos

Great job Kel. ❤️


Gerry Mulholland




Kellee Flowers