The wonder ducks

By Jessie Rickard

For every single person who has experienced, is experiencing or will experience the effects of the big C in their life time.

Hi all, 
I am choosing to be part of an event this year because I believe for the most part that it is important to make the most of the time we can with the people that we love and enjoy life at our fullest whilst we can,  because some people are unfortunate enough to encounter the big C. 
Whether it’s themselves, a family member a friend, a child, a parent, grandparent and so on and so forth, 
So whilst we have the opportunity to live life without drs appointments and being unwell, we should take the time to really appreciate it. 
Never take life for granted. 
The fundraising side of things is just a bonus because with help from everyone big or small this can help to assist in our futures and the futures of the next generations. 
Hopefully one day no one will live with cancer and it will be a thing of the past 🤞

For every single person who is, has been and will be… effected by the big C

Hi all, 
As most of you may already know, cancer has personally effected me in many ways that I most definitely wish hadn’t. 
Most people would know at least one person who has experienced the most heart breaking diagnosis and journey of cancer, if you don’t you are very very lucky. 
The reason that I have chosen to do a fundraiser is not really about the money, it would be a bonus if anything raised then went to the chosen cause as it is something that definitely needs to be highlighted and focused on when it comes to the research and finding a cure side of things. 
The truth of it all is that at the end of the day life should be about spending time with your loved ones and just being happy, not taking life too seriously and enjoying some laughs along the way. 
We shouldn’t have to be concerned about health issues and things like this popping up when we already have enough worries in this sometimes, very stressful world. 
We can only hope that things we choose to do today might have a positive impact on the future generations, no matter how small we may think that it is, it all makes a difference. 

I’m hosting a Girls’ Night In to help all Victorian women affected by cancer

Every year, 15,700 Victorian women are diagnosed cancer, and 6,000 of those will be breast or gynaecological cancers.

Thanks in part to generous Victorians, the good news is that the rate of women dying from cancer is declining. Throughout the last decade, the rate has been consistently decreasing by 1.5% per year. This is thanks to earlier detection of cancers through screening, reductions in tobacco use, and improvements in treatment.

I’m passionate about saving even more lives, so I'm helping Cancer Council Victoria by hosting a Girls’ Night In. It’s the perfect opportunity to catch up with the girls and celebrate our friendship while raising vital funds.

By supporting me, you’ll be funding ground-breaking cancer research, prevention programs and support services that offer a helping hand to all Victorian women affected by cancer.