I’m hosting a Girls’ Night In to help all Victorian women affected by cancer
This year, approximately 16,200 Victorian women are diagnosed cancer, and 6,000 of those will be breast or gynaecological cancers.
However, thanks to wonderful generosity like yours, the rate of women dying from cancer is declining. Since 1993, the rate has been consistently decreasing by 1.6% per year.
I’m passionate about saving even more lives, so I'm helping Cancer Council Victoria by hosting a Girls’ Night In. It’s the perfect opportunity to catch up with the girls and celebrate our friendship while raising vital funds.
By supporting me, you’ll be funding ground-breaking cancer research, prevention programs and support services that offer a helping hand to all Victorian women affected by cancer.
Thank you to my supporters!

Sheridan K

Nucki Edwards

Melissa Forsberg-walker

Suzanne Mckee
X 1 $20 and X 1 $7



Julie Jenkins

Sharyn Burgess

Sue Mckee

Sue Silke

Marguerite Fredericks

Leonie Richardson
Great night. Well done on such a successful evening.

Renee Albert

Grace Viney

Sheryl Reed
Auction items

Jennifer Kingsbury
Thank you for a great night - auction prize

Nikki Summerfield

Zoe Summerfield

Charlotte Szwaja

Bec Loomes

Jennifer Kingsbury
Congratulations on a successful fundraiser for a great cause!

Sheryl Reed

Yass Family
Love you guys! Yass family xx

Marylene Douglas
Here’s to all those beautiful people we have lost or are currently in the fight! My prayers are that we find a cure for this insidious disease and eradicate it off the face of the earth!!

Angela Marotta

Paul And Angela Roberts

Paula Wain
Best wishes for a successful night Irene and Victoria.

June Kellar

Gisella Koroknai
Have a wonderful night Irene, Victoria and crew xxx

Deb And Lu
Sorry Lu and I can’t be there to support your fabulous Girls Night In event. You always do an amazing job for this worthy cause. Have a fantastic night.💕

Tracey Bennett
Hope you have a great night

Can’t make it to this one but as always love your work and all the effort you guys put in to support this worthwhile cause!