Everyone is affected by Cancer
Good morning. & thanks for taking the time to read this. As you know Cancer affects everyone nowadays, particularly the good ones. We lost my beautiful cousin a few years ago quite suddenly to breast cancer even though she fought so hard and tried everything. I host Girls Night In every year in her honour, a time to celebrate Lorraine & all the incredible people who have lost their battle with this disease. Every little bit helps so if you can please spare even $5 that would be appreciated. The event will be at my place in Rutherglen (bit far for most of you) but you are all invited!!!! We have some generous local businesses who have donated some vouchers to auction off on the night and the bubbles will be flowing. Please join us & raise a glass to Lorraine and all those we have lost.I’m hosting a Girls’ Night In to help all Victorian women affected by cancer
This year, approximately 16,200 Victorian women are diagnosed cancer, and 6,000 of those will be breast or gynaecological cancers.
However, thanks to wonderful generosity like yours, the rate of women dying from cancer is declining. Since 1993, the rate has been consistently decreasing by 1.6% per year.
I’m passionate about saving even more lives, so I'm helping Cancer Council Victoria by hosting a Girls’ Night In. It’s the perfect opportunity to catch up with the girls and celebrate our friendship while raising vital funds.
By supporting me, you’ll be funding ground-breaking cancer research, prevention programs and support services that offer a helping hand to all Victorian women affected by cancer.
Thank you to my supporters!

Briony Bradford

Chloe Andrews
Tupperware 🩷

Vaha M

Angela Jacobsen

Sue Starkey
Thanks Anton - Valhalla Wines


Kellie Storer

Sky Smith
So sorry I couldn’t make it xx have a wonderful night

Sue Starkey
Go girl...

Well done again darl x
Amazing work!